Your career… your passion… and your identity seem to conflict with one another here lately and you desperately need some answers. Well, you are not alone.
We all desire a career that meets our lifestyle and income goals while adding some fulfillment to our lives.
I am going to take a wild guess and assume you are here because you are feeling stuck or in a tailspin.
You feel overlooked and underappreciated and believe opportunities for career advancement seem out of reach right now. The result?
You are left unhappy, uninspired, and unmotivated at a job that has taken over your life.
This chaos has led you to exhaustion, anxiety, fatigue, and burnout. The question is, how do you get out of this cycle?
First, let’s clarify something: this is not your fault.
We are told early in our lives that we need to find our passion… When we get to college, we are expected to pick a major way before we have given much thought to who we want to be in our career and our lives.
As a result, some professionals in the workforce have fascinating careers, while many choose random fields to simply obtain a bachelor’s degree and move on with their lives.
But here is the problem! Your interest in a subject doesn’t guarantee your success in a career. To unlock your authentic career, it is important to tune out the social pressure and tune in to something more significant in your career and life. The good news is that you don’t have to do all the work by yourself. Career Catalyst Group is here to help you.
Empowerment, clarity, and strategic positioning to fast track your career!
Career Catalyst Group empowers underrepresented brown and black professionals to discover their authentic and fulfilling careers, and land more job offers that complement their values and interests. Working with us is like having a brand awareness team devoted to your success.
We know how to identify the best aspects of your professional experience and market them in the most attractive way possible to potential employers.
Our approach is intentionally designed to power thoughtful reflection, strategic planning, goal setting, accountability, and actions towards desired results and improvements.
The goal is to get you moving onward and upward quickly and with ease. Get the visibility, respect, and recognition you deserve and experience a more fulfilling career.
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You can sign up for this FREE upcoming webinar – Level Up Behind the Scenes Masterclass. Inside, you’ll learn tools to…
Rediscover your excellence – Begin your journey of uncovering aspects about yourself that you might have tucked away for so long that you forgot about them.
Uncover what hiring managers want – Discover how to decode job descriptions that reveal what hiring managers look for in their ideal candidates.
Improve your professional online presence – You’ll get the must have framework to get noticed by hiring managers and recruiters on LinkedIn.
Boost confidence – Learn tips and tricks to squash negative thoughts, increase confidence and stand out from the competition.
Bonus: Once you register, you’ll receive a FREE job interview prep checklist.
Get unstuck and move toward your career goals. We have limited spots available, sign up now and reserve yours.
Career Catalyst Group was born from our passion for helping others find meaning through their career. Because the joy, happiness, and peace that come from a career that aligns with our passion, values, and interest are beyond fulfilling. Knowing you are working in your purpose not only allows you to live a meaningful life, but also deeply impacts the people around you, your community, and the world.
Since 2020, Career Catalyst Group has been on a mission to build cultural competency and inclusivity for professionals of color. Our focus is to:
· Expand access to information and influential networks
· Enhance self-confidence to seize career growth opportunities
· Teach practical career planning and provide job search tools to opportunities of interest

As a woman of color and career strategist coach, my devotion to helping others stems from my personal experience in the workforce. I started Career Catalyst Group for professionals of underrepresented communities because I wanted to share my learnings, so people of color can jumpstart or pivot in their career and ultimately get to a level of equality of opportunities.
I know how hard it can be for black and brown professionals to land their dream role. Throughout my career, I’ve experienced rejections, microaggression, racism, sexism, and I always felt like I had to work twice as hard to prove myself. But when I finally understood my value, stayed true to my passion, my career catapulted to the next level. I understand how you may feel as I was once in your shoes. The hopeless job hunt and corporate ladder climb is frustrating, exhausting, and sometimes unfair. I also know that not everyone can afford to learn through trial and error like I did. Career Catalyst Group exists so people that look like me don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.
I use the best strategies that deliver results, and I leverage my background and insights to help my clients win new career opportunities. However, my approach goes beyond winning new job opportunities. I help clients discover who they are at the core, their talents, and hidden skills and what brings them fulfillment. This way, they can always bring the best of themselves to work and in their personal lives.
If you are ready to see a complete shift in your career, here is how we can work together:
Level Up Behind
The Scenes Masterclass–It’s Free!
You’ll get a free job interview prep checklist when you sign up for the FREE webinar, Level Up Behind The Scenes Masterclass. This will help you avoid crucial mistakes that turn hiring managers away, leaving opportunities on the table.
Are you ready to unlock your authentic career that supports your lifestyle?

Book a 1-1 Session
You can schedule a FREE 20-minute career direction consultation! Or
Email me: if you have any questions.